Covalent Energy - Light Concentrating Solar Cells is something cool I found. Jonathan Mapel has these plastic sheets with organic dyes (in different colors) that direct light along the sheet and illuminates the edges. He suggests then putting the solar cells on the edges, where the light has been concentrated. He says hes wants to use dyes that are good at absorbing white light and then bad at absorbing whatever color (wavelength) that the sheet is.

Here is a video of him explaining this in more detail.
I found this video really interesting because he is reducing the amount of solar cell material that is needed. So instead of needing to cover the entire panel with solar cells, only the edges would have solar cells. I never really had looked at "directing" the sunlight, instead of trying to have the largest surface area. It's a very interesting idea.
Here is his company's website, Covalent Solar
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