Thursday, October 29, 2009

Viable Option

We have finally come up with an idea.  We took the mindset of just making something that looked interesting and figuring out the purpose later.  This is an EXTREMELY difficult mindset to have (at least for me it is).  Having no reason besides making something look cool is difficult to stay excited about.......HOWEVER I am comfortable with our surface, and am happy to have at least some sort of viable direction.

The budget we had to figure out really puts things into prespective.  When we started calculating the budget our design had to be modified quite a bit.  It is amazing how quickly money can get eaten up.  I was surprised as to how much the budget turned into being a constraint.  Since we are dealing with solar cells and solar energy, the expense side of our project is a huge factor on what can and cannot be done.  After hearing some of the other groups presentations and seeing that their budget was not actually calculated out...I think they're going to have to do some redesign just to stay within budget. 

We are working on cutting our costs even more by not using as many servos, and connecting the motion of various servos.  I need to add some pictures...but don't have a camera at the I'll be adding more/better info....

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